Ok, so i just got off the phone with Sprint learning about how we will and will not be able to use our phones.
As it costs 1.69/minute for calling, we will be using it in emergencies only. Primarily we will be using our Skype account (basically we can call anywhere in the world from our computer via the Internet for around 2 euro cents/min). However, no one is able to call us back obviously. So if you get a vmail from us, dont try to call back on the number.
We will be getting coverage and able to check our voicemail in many of the towns we plan to stay in, however at our farm we will have jack squat as far as cell coverage, but we will have Internet access.
Also, if we are in an area in which we are able to send texts we most definitely will as it only costs us 20 cents/text! So look out for those!
The thought of going without cell phones and being tied to our little faulty laptop is quite a scary/cool proposition. It will be so refreshing not to be tied to my little white cell phone. But at the same time i know it gives people a sense of security to be able to contact me, and for that reason I am sorry that we will not always be able to contact people. But this is the best we could do and even if worst comes to worst, our computer/cell phones all get stolen or something , we will always be able to find an internet cafe/hostel that will allow us to check our email and contact people. We will try to use email and updating this blog as a means of letting everyone know where we are/how we are doing.
As for our trip, we are having a slight change of plans. Our farm contacted us the other day asking if we could withhold coming to them until the 27th as they have had a proposition from someone to rent their little guest house that we will be using until then. So as we have already bought the tickets for the 22nd we will be flying in that day to Puerto, but we will go to Tepic for a few days and then San Blas for the remainder of the time before we go to our farm. Those are the two closest towns to our farm, and both have really cool things to check out, so we are just fine with this little change of plans.
Everything seems to falling together, the one thing that is really worrying me at the time being is my passport. Since i got my name changed so late, i had to send in my passport along with a chunk of money to Pennsylvania, and now i just have to wait for it to come back. And its guaranteed to at the very latest be in the DAY BEFORE we leave. Yikes...but hopefully it will come in before that.
Ok peeps, im gonna try my hand at putting in a photo of the place we are going to be, Tepic.
Bye for now,
ps- if anyone is reading this in the Austin area, Philip's birthday is on the 18th, and we are planning a potluck Philips birthday/were going away party. Will keep you updated on the time choice ect.
As it costs 1.69/minute for calling, we will be using it in emergencies only. Primarily we will be using our Skype account (basically we can call anywhere in the world from our computer via the Internet for around 2 euro cents/min). However, no one is able to call us back obviously. So if you get a vmail from us, dont try to call back on the number.
We will be getting coverage and able to check our voicemail in many of the towns we plan to stay in, however at our farm we will have jack squat as far as cell coverage, but we will have Internet access.
Also, if we are in an area in which we are able to send texts we most definitely will as it only costs us 20 cents/text! So look out for those!
The thought of going without cell phones and being tied to our little faulty laptop is quite a scary/cool proposition. It will be so refreshing not to be tied to my little white cell phone. But at the same time i know it gives people a sense of security to be able to contact me, and for that reason I am sorry that we will not always be able to contact people. But this is the best we could do and even if worst comes to worst, our computer/cell phones all get stolen or something , we will always be able to find an internet cafe/hostel that will allow us to check our email and contact people. We will try to use email and updating this blog as a means of letting everyone know where we are/how we are doing.
As for our trip, we are having a slight change of plans. Our farm contacted us the other day asking if we could withhold coming to them until the 27th as they have had a proposition from someone to rent their little guest house that we will be using until then. So as we have already bought the tickets for the 22nd we will be flying in that day to Puerto, but we will go to Tepic for a few days and then San Blas for the remainder of the time before we go to our farm. Those are the two closest towns to our farm, and both have really cool things to check out, so we are just fine with this little change of plans.
Everything seems to falling together, the one thing that is really worrying me at the time being is my passport. Since i got my name changed so late, i had to send in my passport along with a chunk of money to Pennsylvania, and now i just have to wait for it to come back. And its guaranteed to at the very latest be in the DAY BEFORE we leave. Yikes...but hopefully it will come in before that.
Ok peeps, im gonna try my hand at putting in a photo of the place we are going to be, Tepic.
Bye for now,
ps- if anyone is reading this in the Austin area, Philip's birthday is on the 18th, and we are planning a potluck Philips birthday/were going away party. Will keep you updated on the time choice ect.
Oh Julia... I envy you! Have a fun and safe trip!! I'll be checking up on you on here!