Today I succesfully called our host farm in Aticama! I just got their answering machine, but the wife (Amaranth) is DEFINITELY American, and her voicemail is in English! I left her a brief message. Skype is an amazing program. Only $0.09 a minute to calle to Mexico, and only $0.02 to call to switzerland! We can save people as our contacts, and autodial them, just like a cell phone.

I then called our first hotel we'll be staying at. It's in Tepic. We should be arriving there on Thursday afternoon. It's about 3 1/2 hours away from the Puerto Vallarta airport, and we'll be taking the bus. The bus leaves every hour, and our travel guide says there's a tourist center right outside the bus station! Perfect! Anyway, I talked to the receptionist at Hotel Morelia. It's only about $9.00 a night for the both of us, and our guide says it has a "lush courtyard, big, clean, white rooms, and shining floors." I was pretty intimidated to have my first telephone conversation with a Mexican in interior Mexico, but it was just fine. He had to repeat things once or twice, but I managed to make a reservation and ask my questions. He seemed taken aback when I asked if anyone there spoke English ("Nooooo...") or if they had the internet there ("Noooo... No tenemos el internet aqui.") I could hear the slightest bit of a smile in his voice. When I asked how far from the Central Camionera (bus station) was from the hotel, his response was "You can take a taxi here for about 30 pesos." Hmm... Not exactly what I asked, but helpful nonetheless.

Our guide says "The best of Nayarit's bounty -- most notably seafood and fruit -- gets served in Tepic." I can't wait!
Monday will be my last full day in Austin. Tonight is my last night at Bellagio, after over 2 years of employment with them. Thursday will be our last day in the United States. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'll be holding a birthday/going-away party here at my family's house. It should be a wonderful time -- a chance to catch up, say goodbye, and spend one more evening with the people we love.
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