It would seem our night would end with peace, satisfaction, and a feeling of love for our fellow man. We crawled into bed, feeling lovely, and tried to go to sleep. About an hour later we were woken back up.It was around 9pm, and we started hearing this very loud, very bass-y music coming through our walls. Turns out, our hotel is right across the road from the local disco! From 9:00 until 4:30am (yes, I looked at my watch) this bone-rattling oompapa music kept us from sleeping much. On top of that, Julia had acquired a nagging shallow cough. She had the night before too, but when we turned off the air conditioner, it went away. But tonight (with no AC) she hacked and hacked without stop until morning (one cough per 15-30 seconds by my count). As we left our room in the morning, our upstairs neighbors said “A bit noisy last night, wasn’t it?” I hope disco isn’t popular on Sundays!
Speaking of Sundays, today is the beginning of San Blas’ International Migratory Bird Festival! The whole zocalo is prepared for the event, with a massive stage, tons of fold up chairs, and big boards with the schedule of events. Lots of tourists from all around the world are arriving too. Julia is really excited, and hopefully we’ll get to partake in a little of the action.
Our day started out with another visit to the mercado where Julia enjoyed a gordita harina (basically a fried flour pillow), and we sipped on fresh juice. One guy sitting next to us was cleaning a bizarre looking fruit, and I discovered that “Yakka” doesn’t mean “yucca” at all… it means “Jack fruit” ! Julia wasn’t brave enough to try it, so we sipped on a lovely blend of strawberries, pineapple and carrot juice.
We rented a couple bicycles today ($4.00 a day) and did as the locals did… riding to our destinations. The bikes are a bit rickety, and we had some tire issues. Still, it is a faster way to get around, and it seems true that bikes outnumber cars in this little beach town.
Julia was feelin a bit under the weather today. We spent a little time at the beach, and I went swimming. I think I caught one wave for every crab I stepped on. They’re everywhere, big, and cranky! I tried to convince Julia they just wanted a hug, but she wasn’t buyin it. Every so often a group of guys would come by with nets and a cooler and scoop them right out of the water! Yum! I can’t wait until we have our own kitchen down here. Julia was ready to head back, so we packed up and rode to the hotel. She decided to crash in the room, and I wandered around the town. I had the best tacos I’ve had yet at a little family place on the zocalo. Tortillas made in house, grilled on the griddle, and stuffed with your choice of fillings like tongue, tripe, and carne asada. Myself, I tried one with shrimp, one with marlin, and one with chicken. Que delicioso! You also got to help yourself to their topping bar, with 6 homemade salsas, pico de gallo, cabbage, pickled onions, radishes and limes. I overloaded all of mine with as much as they could hold (yes, one did break). At $.0 80 US per taco, I’ll definitely be coming back. I sat and watched the taxi queue that was forming 3 feet away and enjoyed watching them interact. When one taxi left the queue, the more fuel-efficient cabbies would just push their car forward without ever turning it back on. Mexican efficiency right there for you!
I also just got off the phone with Amaranth from our farm! We had a lovely chat, and she informed me that they only have dial-up internet, and most of the workers drive 10 minutes into San Blas for a faster internet connection. That means we will only be able to update this blog once or twice a week starting this Tuesday. So don't worry, we're not kidnapped! And we will be updating regularly, we promise.
Cool picture! love the mexy stash! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, Julia! What an adveture! I just read all your blogs - I'm caught up! I'm so happy for you guys! But I do wish you could be here for my birthday party tonight... Have fun - and keep updating!! Luv, Kaci
ReplyDeleteokay you two - it's been 5 days since you posted an update - we know you're at your farm now....unless you've been kidnapped.....we'd better hear from you soon!